Thursday, December 27, 2012

Study Sketches

I just started these study sketches of the eagle. These two are of the Golden Eagle, but the composition is basically the same for most eagles; with differences in size and coloration. Some of the other birds of prey(raptors) are very similar too, they're just a little bit smaller. Doing study sketches in a sketch book is a great way to practice drawing a particular subject. It helps you to perfect the subject's specific physical characteristics which make it unique, and it allows you to experiment with color and shading. Best of all it gives you the freedom to see what works and what doesn't, without the fear of messing up! Just remember that it's not supposed to be a master piece; you don't even have to draw the whole thing every time. You can focus on different parts of it at a time, like it's eyes, it's beak, it's wings, or whatever part it is concerning your subject.

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