Monday, October 7, 2013

Mountain Quail

Here's a pair of mountain quail I've been working on lately. It was inspired by an art contest I saw online. I didn't learn of the contest in time to meet the submission deadline, but I decided to finish the drawing anyway. Next year I'll be ready though! Lots of small details going into this piece. It will be available for purchase, so if anyone is interested send me a message and let me know!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Blue Fairy Wren

I finished this cute little guy today. My osprey is still in the works, but I like to try to get a few quicker drawings out of these smaller birds since the larger ones take so long. Fairy wrens come in a few different, iridescent color combinations; some even appearing to glow. They are really quite spectacular little puff balls!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

New drawing taking flight!

I am already enjoying seeing this piece come to life as I go; off to a good start on my newest bird drawing! This will be the largest piece I've done so far in the series (more than twice the size of my "Regal Pelican" piece).

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Quick Sketch

Someone asked me the other day if I could draw horses; the quick answer is yes! I took a little break from the birds last night and sketched this out in my sketchbook. When my bird series is complete I look forward to doing more artwork with horses...a lot more!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

An Osprey in the works!

It's official!

Up next on my drawing board is the Osprey. I'm trying to get some local birds done, and we have a good population of these in the area. Here is my first rough sketch. This one is going to be a fun (and tedious) project, and I'm very excited about it!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Japanese Reed Bunting

 There's something heart warming about a little bird singing in the sunshine! My latest piece is just that. He is a Japanese Reed Bunting, and this is another little bird I'd like to do more of in the future. They are native to Japan, China, North and South Korea, and Russia.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mountain Bluebird

Here is the latest in my bird series: The Mountain Bluebird. These little blue beauties live in elevations of 10,000 to 12,000 feet, and have been seen as far north as Alaska. They are the official state bird of Idaho.