Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sea of Turquoise Acrylic Pour

Another happy customer! Thank you, Bonnie, for commissioning this piece. It stretched me out of my comfort zone into a new medium, and as a result I learned some new skills. It looked beautiful on your wall too!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Women Grinding Maize

"Women grinding maize,"- Acrylic on stone
Here is a commission painting I did on a stone approximately 4"x8" in size. The gentleman who requested it asked me for a scene with Native American women at the grinding stone along a stream.

The rock he gave me to paint on resembles the size and shape of the stones the women would have used back then to grind corn to make masa.

I chose to use the scenic Malheur River area as my setting. This was my first attempt at such a small painting, and the uneven surface of the rock really put me to the test! Thank you, Tim, for this apportunity to challenge my mini-painting skills. I hope you enjoy it!